For decades now I have enjoyed the success I get from using detectors that operate at 15 kHz or ±2.5 kHz from that frequency for the bulk of my detecting. I do opt for a notable frequency change for certain site applications.
My Regular-Use Detector Team operate at:
13.9 kHz for my White's MX-7.
12 kHz for my Tesoro Mojave.
14.5 kHz for my Tesoro Vaquero.
14 kHz for my Makro Racer 2.
15 kHz for my Nokta FORS CoRe.
My 19 kHz Nokta FORS Relic is my 'specialty' device that I like to grab when I am hunting in dense iron contaminated sites, or if I an specifically searching a site with gold jewelry potential.
My Nokta Impact I almost always use at the default turn-on 14 kHz frequency. I do opt for 20 kHz when hunting gold jewelry potential sites, or Relic Hunting places with a dense assortment of iron nails and rusty tin. On a rare occasion I will select 5 kHz, but since I mainly hunt dense trash with ample ferrous debris, I prefer the other two Impact frequency choices.