Many different brands seem to use specific frequencies not used by any other brands - is this simply to allow them to copyright/trademark/corner the market on that set frequency or what? For example White's Coinmaster Pro uses 8 kHz and Garrett Ace 250 is 8.25 kHz. Surely there is not much change in 0.25 kHz for one brand to use one frequency than the other.
Then the obvious question is why doesn't every brand/model use the same frequency for the same purpose? For example 7 kHz for coins, and 18 kHz for gold.
Beyond the set frequency in a MD, several MD's allow the user to switch the frequency. Oddly it isn't marketed to allow people to necessary find different items, it is often marketed as a option for electric interference problem solving or for competition events to prevent overlapping other MD signals. Surely jumping from a 7 kHz to 15 kHz for example would vastly alter the person's outcome while detecting.
Then the obvious question is why doesn't every brand/model use the same frequency for the same purpose? For example 7 kHz for coins, and 18 kHz for gold.
Beyond the set frequency in a MD, several MD's allow the user to switch the frequency. Oddly it isn't marketed to allow people to necessary find different items, it is often marketed as a option for electric interference problem solving or for competition events to prevent overlapping other MD signals. Surely jumping from a 7 kHz to 15 kHz for example would vastly alter the person's outcome while detecting.