The Aquasearch is the waterproof version of the Goldquest. Best PI I have used. I just picked up another Goldquest V2 from one of the forum fellas and I am going to try to put it in a waterproof case. My Summer project so I can wade in the water with no worries.
I have only used it about 6 times so far, but it snatched a 14K gold earring ( pretty nice size ) in the suds.
No luck today...all the beaches I went to were sanded in brutally. Busted up zincs, iron, pull tabs today. It was bad but still, I was not at work !
The first Goldquest I bought ( used but like new ) has a center mounted 10 inch spider coil ( mono ) on it. That coil is superb. Pin pointing is easy and shallow iron sounds wide, very wah wah like and almost always double hits when the target is swept from multiple angles. Iron nails and rusty wire also seem to fade in and out while the good targets seem to always have the same soild sound when sweeping from all angles.
I still dig deep iron...can't figure that sound out. I do know that rounder objects ( washers, coins, rings ) sound very good and I am starting to tell them from the rusty iron.
Was trying to call the targets out today in my head when hunting. Still missed all the deep iron ones though..they still sounded good but that is the price you pay with a PI.
I have my GQ rod mounted under the cuff and it is the lightest, best balanced detector I have. You can tune this machines using both the Pulse delay and SAT adjustments, and it has a filter switch that if you set it to 2, with the SAT at fast, you can sweep at a good pace....and what I mean is you don't have to crawl along.
The Aquasearch is not cheap, but I know Mr. Bill can custom order them so if you do get one, I suggest asking for the 10 inch center mounted coil if they still make/have them. I was thinking of getting one, but ended up getting a good deal on another GQ so I snatched that one up.
If you are really considering one, I would call Mr. Bill at Surfscanners and talk to him and see what options you have.