Well, I've been at it for a year with my AT Pro. According to my log, I've spent about equal times on land and in the water, a total of about 80 hours.
My problem is that I don't think I'm finding all that I should be finding or I'm a lousy picker of sites. I've hunted parks, old foundations, private backyards, beaches, football fields, baseball fields, boat launches, woods, old drive-ins, and farm fields.
In one year I've found ONE silver coin, a merc.
I'm hunting in Pro mode, iron audio on and off, iron notched out up to 30. I hear a lot of noise but usually only dig the "round" tones from 40 to 90.
What am I doing wrong?
My problem is that I don't think I'm finding all that I should be finding or I'm a lousy picker of sites. I've hunted parks, old foundations, private backyards, beaches, football fields, baseball fields, boat launches, woods, old drive-ins, and farm fields.
In one year I've found ONE silver coin, a merc.
I'm hunting in Pro mode, iron audio on and off, iron notched out up to 30. I hear a lot of noise but usually only dig the "round" tones from 40 to 90.
What am I doing wrong?