OK so i have been looking new and used at Equinox 800.Some used prices as i look i think i mine as well buy brand new. So early this morning i typed Richard at backwoods detectors ask him about Minelabs veteran discount on new detector. Tell Richard i,am Viet Nam vet. Sure can do send one document .Now iam not good at this stuff email and computers,my way i would go back to full service gas stations and dial phones the rest can go out the window,.So Richard go,s out of his way with service ,i mean my double emails that i don't mean to send back and forth.I mean Richard just helping me every step of the way.What great service What a great deal on new minelab.My package is going in mail today.Always check with Richard@BackwoodsDetectors even if you don't see it on his web site still text him or email and check to see if he can get it .What a great guy to do business with.Have bought from him before and will buy from him again.now i ,am waiting for my package to come and as before his shipping is fast.So when come this week i will post again.Thanks Richard for your time and understanding.