Yesterday was family day in Edmonton, which means most people get the day off, and most things are free such as the art gallery, museum, swimming pools etc. However, because I work for an essential service, I had to work.
Well, after about an hour of hunting, I had to go and empty my bladder. Men's privileges allowed me to head of to a nice grove of trees and do my thing. Nobody around for miles. But go figure, I heard a telephone ring??? And when I headed to search for it it quit ringing. Am I losing my mind I thought?
No....about a half an hour I found a cell phone sitting in the grove of tree, where some person spear headed off the hill into the trees. It was just sitting there quietly, on top of the snow.

Now that was a great find! And the phone still worked after I warmed it up. And a couple hours later, I got a POLAROID Camera also just sitting on top of the snow. How lucky can a guy get! Well, I hit two more hills, then called it a day. I got just under 20 bucks in loot and some great exercise.
Not much to say about the bottle opener below, other then it was buried a couple of inches in the snow.......