Its Sunny ( supposed to be clouds all day)
34 at 11.30 AM ( the hi was only to be 28 )
and No WInd ..( suppposed to have blowing flurries)
So off i went with the ACE and my huntin buddy ..
the ground everywhere is like a ROCK..... except for
my favortite school yard which is off limits this week
cause they are putting in new pipes and stuff ... inside ..
a PERFECT day in all respects except i dont own
a backhoe ..... and the creeks are freezing up so i cant
even try my magnet on a string idea...
Sometimes ya CANT win ...
Rangers Lead The Way
34 at 11.30 AM ( the hi was only to be 28 )
and No WInd ..( suppposed to have blowing flurries)
So off i went with the ACE and my huntin buddy ..
the ground everywhere is like a ROCK..... except for
my favortite school yard which is off limits this week
cause they are putting in new pipes and stuff ... inside ..
a PERFECT day in all respects except i dont own
a backhoe ..... and the creeks are freezing up so i cant
even try my magnet on a string idea...
Sometimes ya CANT win ...
Rangers Lead The Way