Howdy everybody!!!
I have been visiting the nice folks over at the Garret Forum on the TD. Been trying to spread good will amongst men. Sometimes it works..sometimes it don't.
Just to let you know what is going on in my Tesoro world. I tried out a new Vaquero with the higher tone weekend before last. I like the lower tone better so I gave it back to MagnumPi. It is now his personal Vaquero as it is the hottest one we have found. Being deaf to high frequency tones...I just could not work with the tone quite that high. The low tone suits me perfectly. The Cibola also suits me perfectly. You have to ground balance the Vaquero of course. But when you get in another area where you need to ground balance again..It gets noisy. I know I might be losing depth at times with the Cibola...but I can concentrate on the hunt rather than on the machine. When I am in "the zone" I don't want to be thinking about reground balancing. Hope you understand.
Sure hope everyone is finding whatever Treasure they are looking for. Sorry for not "stirring it up" on here tonight. I'll think of some real good zingers and come back again...I promise... <img src="/metal/html/biggrin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
"> <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> <img src="/metal/html/shocked.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":shock">
The Mayor
I have been visiting the nice folks over at the Garret Forum on the TD. Been trying to spread good will amongst men. Sometimes it works..sometimes it don't.
Just to let you know what is going on in my Tesoro world. I tried out a new Vaquero with the higher tone weekend before last. I like the lower tone better so I gave it back to MagnumPi. It is now his personal Vaquero as it is the hottest one we have found. Being deaf to high frequency tones...I just could not work with the tone quite that high. The low tone suits me perfectly. The Cibola also suits me perfectly. You have to ground balance the Vaquero of course. But when you get in another area where you need to ground balance again..It gets noisy. I know I might be losing depth at times with the Cibola...but I can concentrate on the hunt rather than on the machine. When I am in "the zone" I don't want to be thinking about reground balancing. Hope you understand.
Sure hope everyone is finding whatever Treasure they are looking for. Sorry for not "stirring it up" on here tonight. I'll think of some real good zingers and come back again...I promise... <img src="/metal/html/biggrin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="
The Mayor