Everyone keeps saying how horrible PI PRO is on DRY sand and how good it is on WET sand.
What exactly is WET sand? Is it the part of the beach sand that is close to water and is constantly soacked with SALT water? Or it is just ANY wet sand, for instance, during rain, that normally is dry?
In other words, can I use successfully my PI PRO on the whole beach territory during a rain? As from the discussion I got it that normally I need to use my MXT on dry areas of the beach, not PI PRO,correct?
What exactly is WET sand? Is it the part of the beach sand that is close to water and is constantly soacked with SALT water? Or it is just ANY wet sand, for instance, during rain, that normally is dry?
In other words, can I use successfully my PI PRO on the whole beach territory during a rain? As from the discussion I got it that normally I need to use my MXT on dry areas of the beach, not PI PRO,correct?