Jackpine Savage
Active member
and hit the area around the school bus garage. Back in the 40's and 50's the lot where the garage now sits was used for outdoor movies. So far no silver but I have picked up wheat pennys and a couple trinkets in the past there. Anyway, last night I got a hit that read pretty consistently as 20-21, but from different angles I could see 27-28 sneaking in.
Hmmm.. coin spill I says to myself.
6 pennys in an area not more than 5 or 6" across and the Excel did not average them! Depending on the sweep angle it read copper penny or zinc with no numbers in between! In my experience not many machines can do that. Maybe the Excels big brother.
6 pennys in an area not more than 5 or 6" across and the Excel did not average them! Depending on the sweep angle it read copper penny or zinc with no numbers in between! In my experience not many machines can do that. Maybe the Excels big brother.
