With the weather still mild, I decided to go back to the playground. Yesterday,the ground was frozen under the chips, today mud and wet..Figured the other guys would be around.As I walked around the building ,they were driving off. I wanted to get a time estimate for the 3 by 18 Ground Sweep coil compared to the standard "V" coil.....Normally the area would take a bit under two hours,to cover. Left the house at 11;30 ,got back at12;25..Walking time each way seven minutes..Found eighty seven cents,and a small kid's pendant..Deepest item was a nickel at a measured seven plus inches.Smallest item in the quarter inch range..I have been using the wide scan coil in various areas before, but in no place where I could get comparative times...The coil was used as a big X to pinpoint, then use the end of the coil to get in closer..A pin pointer will be needed out on the soccer fields...I knew the wide scan coil covered ground faster, but not that much faster. A very pleasant surprise....Ground balancing is very easy to do with the 3 by 18 coil....Sensitivity was not really jacked all the way due to electrical interference..I didn't have the machine set up for the coil, so it was slightly awkward and needs to be adjusted..For all day hunting ,I may consider a sling.....Working in and among the iron supports is not any different from using the standard coil, cordially Nad