To the old farm house where I found a bunch of old wheats and the 1834 large cent,, they had cut the hay field so i was able to hunt out away from the house,, found a few more wheaties,, but i;ll be darned if I can come up with any silver,, actually found some clad out there,, about 5 inches down,, ,, there has got to be 1 silvber coin somewhere in that field,, might have to wait till fall now,, did find some nice trinkets,, old metal toy gun,, pretty well rusted apart,, some old dairy tokens,, good for 5 cents when bottle is returned,, old pocket watch,, pretty well corroded to nothing,, all in all a nice place to hunt,, lot of history in the area and you never know what you might dig up,, got a invite to hunt some other farm houses up that way,,,