...was gonna cancel it;but after I walked a mile this morning and almost crawled in the house afterward
I decided to go....He took x-rays,and my history;looked at my feet-and said I have the shapely,sexy feet of a young starlet
..BUT REALLY:He told me that after I had my cast off;I should have had some physical therapy to restore the strength that I lost while in the cast-and believe me;it WAS weak
-I told him I thought i started out slowly-he said how long was it until I started walking long distances?...I said 2 weeks...Dr.told me it could take 1-2 MONTHS or more;so the problem is I over-did it BIG TIME...He gave me a cortisone shot in there
HURT-and told me it will take a week or 2 to get the inflammation outta there...gotta go back for 2-3 more shots;and he said if it still bothers me then;he will write me a prescription for physical therapy3 times a week for a month-an offoce is about a mile from me-he said by springtime;I will be out walking long distances again...