Found me some silver today.I'm very impressed with the F2 at trashy sites and snagged 10 wheat pennies in just a few hunts at heavily hunted trash infested sites.Decided to try my luck woods hunting a bit before work at 4PM and got called in early after 15 minutes of hunting. Started working my way back towards the truck and hit a hightone signal and the ground was frozen at 1" and one swipe of the hand held mattock uncovered a 1954 Rosie in great condition.The same pile of dirt had a 1994 dime so i'm thinking somebody had a dime they didn't know they had and lost both. Doesn't matter to me as think this F2 is a nice trashy site hunter.I'm lovin the tones on the F2 better than the Golden Umax and competing with the M6 as a primary trash hunter.Time will tell but no complaints so far on the F2. HH Bill