What a great day! It got to about 12 degrees C/54 F, no jacket required. This ATX of mine is a real nifty coin shooter. Once you learn all the little audio quirks ie.....strength of audio, length of audio, tone of audio, smoothness of audio, iron audio, you have a machine that can discriminate to a fairly high level. The more you use it, the more you understand what it is telling you. I see myself using this detector quite often this year, hunting sports fields, woods, parks and water unless the areas are too trashy, in which I will untilize my AT Series. If you owned one PI and one decent VLF detector, and really learned them well, and I mean to the point where you can tell the detector what's under that coil with a high level of probability, not the other way around, you don't need any others.
Here's that ring......it was buried in the dirt, below the snow layer. It really gave off a quick, loud, short audio, the same in all directions. I suspected a good target, possibly a coin, but I was wrong. It turned out to be a stainless steel ring....a spinner at that.
Here's a foreign coin a found also in the ground below the snow layer. It too gave off a strong quick, loud, smooth audio signal, a sign of a probable coin.