While I am M/L goes and make another heavy A$$ floating DD coil that has a lousy balance. Even the 5X10 is a floater and matter of fact the whites DD coils are the same too. With all the technology out there you would think M/L could come up with a Damn DD coil that don't float and a coil that is light weight and not a unbalanced Pig of a coil like the new one. It is just like the one on the Explorer's and they suck too. Don't post any garbage about it can't be done either because of the tuning and guess what it has to be tuned like all DD coils have to. My Shadow X5 DD coil will out do all of M/L's and Whites coils. I can't say about Tesoro's DD coils as I don't have any of them. But I will bet good money the X5 5X10 will out do them to. Coil for Coil size for size. It don't float and is deep as any thing I have ever used. While I am at it, the short cords on the coils for the Xterra don't help shallow water hunters either. You should at least be able to buy a coil with the short cord or a 7' cord like the Sov's have. You can wade with them. This kind of junk just makes me . When are they going to listen. The money you pay for these machines ain't chump money and I swear I don't think the manufactures even give a damn. Sorry, but I just had to say something here, as it has been bothering me since I got the X70. Don't get me wrong the X70 is a fine machine and I love mine and it ain't going no where but I sure as heck can see where they could have built a better product and given us better Quality for our money. . I spent over 40 years in Quality/Quality Analise and I know something about Quality in a Product. Last but not least. My Tesoro Golden uMax, CZ70, CZ3D, ID Excell, And Shadow X5 all have lifetime warranty's. need I say more. BTW my Exp.ll and Xterra 70 are great machines but they can be better. Can I do anything about it I just did Will anything be done about it I doubt it but I am hoping some of them are listening but I doubt that too. OK now I am done just some and not at anyone. Later and HH Jerry aka Tinfoil