New member
I was invited to tag along with with a Kid who grew up with me---(Well he is 60 some now) for a nugget hunt in Arizona for around 2 weeks---We will be in southern Arizona in a area called the Greater ville gold area for somewhere around 2-3 weeks---I will be taking a MXT and a TDI plus a lot of crap I don't need but I think NOW I need it---I don't think there is anyone on the forum who lives in Az. If anyone does I would like to meet them---We will be meeting at the intersection of 17 and 74 above Phoenix on Mon. or Tue.---Craig and Bean Shut the Mill down and go gold hunting don't you want to become Rich like I Will be (HA HA--LOL) now Elson is already Rich so he don't need to show up---I just Hope I find (1) nugget to go along with the 6 nuggets (Bought Them) I already have---I will be sleeping in the drivers seat and I expect it to be around 25 to 30 degrees at night but I have enough Long Johns from Cabala's to keep me warm + I will be wearing 2 Vests and I have a Down Coat if I need it---I am sure glad gas has not went sky high Yet, Because only Elson can afford to buy gas at $4:00+ a Gal.----Well I am going to finish loading my pickup which will not hold all I want to take with me---So Long-Good By-See You if I survive the trip