Elson got here about 1330. I had to guide him in for the last mile or so on the cell phone. He showed up with a big smile and it was a real pleasure to greet him into our home.That gentleman is one heck of a nice fellow, and can keep up with me talking. I think we talked the leg off a chair or two. Nancy fixed him some dinner and he enjoyed the Idaho viddles. We spent the evening talking, laughing, and looking at some of our detector finds.
Tomorrow we are going up to the Boise Basin to hit some ghost towns. Placerville, Centerville, Pioneerville, Quartzburg, and Idaho City are on the agenda, along with the gold town of Pearl. I have the new digital camera all adjusted to "Cajun in action" setting, and will keep a log of our adventures. He is going to do the same. I doubt if our stories will be the same.
One thing he has done already is to make it rain for the first time since the fourth of July. He must have brought the swamp with him. I have also tought him the proper pronunciation of "Lava and Crick" and he has instructed Nancy in the making of a roue.
Stay tuned for more as we enter the gold country of Idaho armed only with detectors and a sense of humor.(And a couple of handguns)
Oh, and Vernon, he says to tell you that my elephant gun don't kick him hardley at all. He also mumbled something about sissies.