Eric in RI
New member
Hey there, managed to get out for two hunts over the weekend and I gotta say, we all made some great finds!
Saturday my friend J and myself went out to Pounded Park for a few hours. The weather was nice, low humidity and the temps in the high 60's, low 70's. We picked out a spot that was close to a hillside that we first pounded about 7 years ago. We decided to continue down aways along a path that we never hit before. My buddy started off down the path while I was still gearing up. I got to the path and noticed all the trash on the ground near the entrance. First hit on the machine was a 57 wheatie at 4". I slowly worked my way down the path while my buddy was hunting in some of the brush beside the path and up ahead about 10 - 15 ft. After 10 minutes I had another wheat in my pouch and my buddy just found a wheat too. A few minutes later my buddy pulled a standing liberty quarter. Date is pretty worn off, except the last # which turned out to be 0. Judging by the wear, I'm thinking its a 1920. Not 5 minutes goes by and I found a 1908 Indian. After a bit of spit shine, I'm sad to say there wasn't an "S" mintmark on the back
Things from here start getting serious. About 20 minutes later I get another Indian hit at 6" on the edge of the path. Numbers bouncing a bit in the 60's to low 70's. Managed to pull the 1886 Indian. My buddy then found a silver jaguar jewelry piece. Its not marked anywhere, but we're pretty positive its silver. Then we started getting early date Wheaties left and right. My buddy started nailing more and more silver left and right. I unfortunately started having problems with my headphones cutting in and out. I ended up not using them and using the external speaker. All I could get were shallow signals, the deep signals were tough to listen to on an external speaker, especially with all the noise from the coil scraping against the sticks and leaves. If I had my backup headphones with me, I'm most certain I would've done better, just wasn't my day. Jay got in a hot spot area and was on a roll with the silver, while I struggled to find my 3rd and 4th Indians for the day, as well as a V-nickel. Total finds for the day are as follows:
J's finds:
1920 Standing liberty quarter, 1916 Barber dime, 1917, 1917 and 1939 Mercs, 1942P War nickel, 1926 and no date buffalo nickels, 3 Indians and a handful of wheats.
My finds: 1910 V-Nickel, 1886, 1897, 1908 and 1909 Indians and a few wheats.
Sunday, J and I managed to fix my headphones and went back to Pounded Park. We decided to hit the path area again to see what we missed. We also met up with our buddy Ron. Ron uses an Ace 350 and has been on a silver streak as of late. I started off down the path alone when I got the call from Ron. I gave him directions to where we were and the rest was history. About 20 minutes down the path and I wasn't finding much. I then came across a very trashy, bouncy signal that needed investigating. The numbers were ranging from the mid 50's all the way up to 71 and it sounded like a pulltab / penny / iron nail tones all jumbled together. The signal was loud and was near the surface. I stuck my digger in the dirt and popped out an oval shaped gold-like object. My heart started pumping. I hollered over to Ron and J to come quick. I slowly wiped the dirt off and revealed my very first gold watch!!!! After a quick spit shine, its stamped 18CT and has a serial # on the back. I sat down on a log that covers half of the pathway, lit one up
and told the guys that I didn't care if I found anything else all day. I literally sat there and watched my two buddies hunt and reflected on my hunt the prior day. It just goes to show you that you can have a really bad day where your buddy kicks your butt and then have a phenomenal hunt the next day. After about 30 minutes of this, boredom set in and away I went. J managed to find a 43P war nickel in some of the brush and Ron managed a buffalo nickel. Towards the end of the path I got a really bouncy pulltab signal that was deep. I dug a 6" plug, stuck the pro-pointer in the hole and it barely chirped. I scooped out another few inches of dirt and the signal disappeared. I waved the pro pointer over the loose dirt and got a hit. At first glance I thought it was a piece of aluminum, but under close inspection, it appears to be a thin silver coin that was flattened. I then remembered that Spanish silver is really thin. I can't make out any details, so I'm 50% sure I found worn spanish silver and 50% sure I found a silver coin that was run over by a train. Still cool to say the least. We reached the end of the path and decided to hit the entry-way near the path as it was a pretty trashy area. I just got finished up digging a wheat and Ron hollered over to me saying that he found a Merc. J came over about 10 minutes later strutting an ugly 1919 Merc. Ron followed the woods line and went up the hill. I just dug an old bullet casing that was about 6" deep and started gridding the area. Came across a bouncy penny signal that I though was a wheat. The numbers were bouncing from the mid 70's to the low 80's like wheat pennies often do on my machine. Dug a 6" plug, and found the 1897 Indian. I yelled over to the guys letting them know what I just found. Unfortunately the clouds opened up and it started to sprinkle. Ron wasn't finding much and decided to call it a day. J and I stuck it out for another hour until the rain started pouring. We decided to call it a day. Finds are as follows:
J's finds:
1943 P war nickel, 1919 Merc and 5 wheats.
Ron's finds:
1935 Merc, no date buffalo nickel and 7 wheats.
My finds:
1897 Indian, 18KT gold watch and 4 wheats.
All in all, what a great weekend. HH!
Saturday my friend J and myself went out to Pounded Park for a few hours. The weather was nice, low humidity and the temps in the high 60's, low 70's. We picked out a spot that was close to a hillside that we first pounded about 7 years ago. We decided to continue down aways along a path that we never hit before. My buddy started off down the path while I was still gearing up. I got to the path and noticed all the trash on the ground near the entrance. First hit on the machine was a 57 wheatie at 4". I slowly worked my way down the path while my buddy was hunting in some of the brush beside the path and up ahead about 10 - 15 ft. After 10 minutes I had another wheat in my pouch and my buddy just found a wheat too. A few minutes later my buddy pulled a standing liberty quarter. Date is pretty worn off, except the last # which turned out to be 0. Judging by the wear, I'm thinking its a 1920. Not 5 minutes goes by and I found a 1908 Indian. After a bit of spit shine, I'm sad to say there wasn't an "S" mintmark on the back
J's finds:
1920 Standing liberty quarter, 1916 Barber dime, 1917, 1917 and 1939 Mercs, 1942P War nickel, 1926 and no date buffalo nickels, 3 Indians and a handful of wheats.
My finds: 1910 V-Nickel, 1886, 1897, 1908 and 1909 Indians and a few wheats.
Sunday, J and I managed to fix my headphones and went back to Pounded Park. We decided to hit the path area again to see what we missed. We also met up with our buddy Ron. Ron uses an Ace 350 and has been on a silver streak as of late. I started off down the path alone when I got the call from Ron. I gave him directions to where we were and the rest was history. About 20 minutes down the path and I wasn't finding much. I then came across a very trashy, bouncy signal that needed investigating. The numbers were ranging from the mid 50's all the way up to 71 and it sounded like a pulltab / penny / iron nail tones all jumbled together. The signal was loud and was near the surface. I stuck my digger in the dirt and popped out an oval shaped gold-like object. My heart started pumping. I hollered over to Ron and J to come quick. I slowly wiped the dirt off and revealed my very first gold watch!!!! After a quick spit shine, its stamped 18CT and has a serial # on the back. I sat down on a log that covers half of the pathway, lit one up

J's finds:
1943 P war nickel, 1919 Merc and 5 wheats.
Ron's finds:
1935 Merc, no date buffalo nickel and 7 wheats.
My finds:
1897 Indian, 18KT gold watch and 4 wheats.
All in all, what a great weekend. HH!