While detecting yesterday,, my wife pointed out another fellow detecting the gravel lots ,, and along the split raill fence,, my wife thought he was using a weedeater as fast as he was sweeping it,, I stopped for a while,, saw he wasent using headphones,, and made the assumption he was a first timer,, about the time i was about to go see how he was doing,, he shut the machine off,, THREW it in the back of his brand new Jeep ,, and tore off down the road. Coulndt see what kind of machine it was,, but it looked to be one where the battery pack went around the waist,, I went about my business,, found 74 coins,, A wheat and a 46 Rosie,, the silver drought is over for now,, then we got the winds from IKE,, we had some wind gust up to 60 MPH,, and it made me think,, people who ride out hurricances either are idiots or have a death wish,, not sure which,, maybe both