I decided to try out my new waders. I'm delighted to report that after 3+ hours of digging in knee to waist deep water I came away comfortably dry.
My Infinium & 8"Mono delivered several 22Caliber bullets, fishing sinkers. a Kennedy Half Dollar (my first and in bad shape), various other coins, odd bits of brass and assorted junk and 1-small 14K signet ring.
None of the items was very deep and all were old judging by the overall condition of the finds.
The area I'm hunting is well hunted by myself and others and the Infinium is in it's element there.
This year has produced very few recent drops in gold or coins!
I noticed that when the lead is small such as bullets I get a Hi-Low signal and yesterday a 6-OZ sinker gave a Low-Hi signal. Mass must affect signal response (in this case anyway).
GL&HH Friends,
My Infinium & 8"Mono delivered several 22Caliber bullets, fishing sinkers. a Kennedy Half Dollar (my first and in bad shape), various other coins, odd bits of brass and assorted junk and 1-small 14K signet ring.
None of the items was very deep and all were old judging by the overall condition of the finds.
The area I'm hunting is well hunted by myself and others and the Infinium is in it's element there.
This year has produced very few recent drops in gold or coins!
I noticed that when the lead is small such as bullets I get a Hi-Low signal and yesterday a 6-OZ sinker gave a Low-Hi signal. Mass must affect signal response (in this case anyway).
GL&HH Friends,