Trust me, if you use the Nokia Impact and learn it you will definitely like it.
Being able to hear and distinguish various tunnel sounds can sometimes be difficult for people who have some hearing impairment. Also the headphones used their impedance and other performance details by design can have a definite bearing on what you hear well.
With these supplied Philips headphones that have a mini plug and require a quarter-inch adapter, you have to make sure that plug is fully inserted into the adapter. As far as total quality, and loudness or Target clarity, they do not work well for me with a metal detector. I do however have them at my computer desk because they work quite well with my computer to listen to music or YouTube videos Etc.
My hearing is impaired to the point that the military considered me death back in 82 to 86, and after injury on the job in 2010 and other things through life is getting old has left me with poor hearing to say the least. My preferred headphones with most metal detectors, including my CoRe and Relic, are the Killer B Hornet model which I currently need to replace. I like their High impedance and crisp clarity, and in windier weather I also like the loudness I get and how well they block out wind and Noise.
as Cal Cobra mentioned, the 2.4 gig wireless headphones with the Impact 2 are outstanding. I use them all the time in hot weather with the impact and I can hear tonal qualities in the different modes very well.
Remember to that ththImpact allows the user to adjust the audio tone and that can make a difference on how well you can discern the differences is in audio in the different modes.
The Nokta wireless headphones are also on my must get replacement list.