<IMG SRC="/metal/html/ujack.gif" BORDER=0 width=22 height=15 ALT="uj"> I run a club in england, While I normally try to stear my guy's away from our local river, two of them could not resist a roman crossing point near Old sarum castle.
After finding part of a shield the inevitable happened, two exited detectorist's running to show the rest what they had found, both fell drwning two explorer xs machines.
The water was tipped out of the control box of each machine via the battery housings, they were opened up and left to slowly dry. Any other machine would would have died. Not the xs, both machines fired-up and are working fine.
After finding part of a shield the inevitable happened, two exited detectorist's running to show the rest what they had found, both fell drwning two explorer xs machines.
The water was tipped out of the control box of each machine via the battery housings, they were opened up and left to slowly dry. Any other machine would would have died. Not the xs, both machines fired-up and are working fine.