Across the street from me,there is a big pine tree,and Mr.and Mrs.Robin took up residence a few weeks ago in it to raise a family...I have been watching the process-from eggs,to babies-Yesterday,they flew away...There is another pine tree down the street farther;have seen robins flying in and out of it;went to have a look-see this morning:A baby robin standing there on the edge of the nest;almost big enough for departure...It is a sobering thought how Gods Spirit puts in their instincts to raise their young,and turn em loose-Kinda like people-HOWEVER-I have noticed that animals tend to do it a LOT better that some humans-the "smarter"creation of God...I just read; by the way,that evolution scientists have a new theory:Ancient man inbreeding with primates-they say it explains the similarity between humans,and primates...Now,hows THAT for havin a skeleton in your closet??