Hi,fellow beepers...Warthog here,i'm usually over on Christian Treasure Hunters,on Find's............I will be moving ,March 1st,to be within spittin' distance of Lake Michigan.Right down the street from where I will be living,is an old resort,dates back to the '50s,according to the Web site-Was in use,right up to the end of 2010......Original buildings on 8 acres;almost 400' of prime Lake Michigan Beach frontage....It went up for foreclosure sale this last 12/21,a real estate developer bought it,wants someone to build condos in there.........Not too much of a chance to detect the grounds,but:THE BEACH is open for the taking-WELL, at least from the surf line out,the rest is probly private.....This beach location is probly 3/4 of a mile easy walk, from where I'm sittin right now. It makes me wonder:HOW many goodies were lost there in the H2O,over almost 60 years???
RE-CLAD COINS............Old jewelry,class rings,chains......Old toys....something else I wonder about:Lake Michigan throwing her weight around due to hurricanes passing thru,(Sandy);and other blows,over them last 60 years,how much prime search area was uncovered-and:,how much was BURIED,never to be beeped???
....There is a public access area down the road to the lake,and when I go out there to the beach and look north,the wooden steps going up the bluff//going back to the resort proper,from their own private beach,is clearly visible,not too far down the beach.Come warm weather,me and Mr.Fisher 1280x,are going to go exploring in the wet,to assess the potential.............!!!