I put my time in on school work and got caught up so I can see my sister and nephew this weekend in CT. It will be my 4 year old nephew's first opening day of trout season and I can't wait to give him his first fishing rod. He doesn't get to see me much but he loves me just the same and always asks if we are going fishing. i got him a a few fake rods and a fishing rod with a mechanical bass that swims when you put it in water.For $10 it was a steal. I had it in the tub the first night. Anyways we moved up to sunfish last year and he was hooked. I sure wanted to be present so I completed 2 unit plans and a report the last few days and had to rest my eyes so I decided to hit a school yard near the Battle of Plattsburgh where I found n 1844 LC, wheaties, a merc and a Civil War eagle button. I hit it hard last year but figured the frost might have pushed something up. I detected for a while and was going to leave when my friend called and wanted to show me the new BDU's the Air Force got in. He said he'd be there in 20mins. if I waited around. Well I am beginning to learn GOD speaks through people so I stuck around and found my first badge ever. that old X5 sure likes the brass. The badge rang out with a nice deep signal and was buried 10" down. Any ideas what era? Thanks for looking.