I have 13 for the year and got one last Friday. It was one of those that are really black, with thick crud on it and it rang up 12-32/3, solid target and tone. I thought it was a really crudded and chopped up memorial. Very difficult to clean off so I used the 'Byron Whitaker Beat Down' method on it and it worked well. Put it between two 1x4 boards and hit it with a hammer a few times. Most of the black crud popped off and the rest came off in electrolysis. A 42 S. A bit more than the normal one. Back to the numbers and targets, I have dug them that did not have a definite target, splattered and all around 12-13, but with a great tone and numbers were in the range. I use a high tone in combined for nickels. Got 429 this year with 13 war and 14 bufs.