Ha that line worked on my wife 20 years ago it still works now.Well the weather was nice today around 56.Used big coil sens 5to7. All coins and stuff 2inches to 6 inches.Mode all metal and custom.I really had a good time. I wish my brother in law was there.He went to another park and gave me a call. He got some older coins. He did pretty good, better than i did today but he doesnt have camera to to take pic,so it was really probably all junk that he burried ahead of time in case i was with him. ha ha tim dude.well good hunting.the wheat penny 1942.The junk stuff i dug because i wanted to see what the solid iron sig was not the one that bounce around.Also for some reasone had a hard time finding a lot of these coins couldnt see them after they were dug.Hope the weather goes on and on. Happy hunting!