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havent been out an invite from the neighbor to MD his property for an hour. found some cool old stuff, part of an old doll? silver plated spoon. then I hit the large cent...nice 12-44 at 6" it's a little crusty but readable. next came a few nickels and some zincs. then I get a screaming 13-47,48 and find my first walker of the year! of course it has no date, that seems to be my theme this year. then I'm pretty sore and just about to quit when I walk around the big chesnut tree and get a 12-38 to 12-42 at 8"...I thought it was another large cent till I got home and cleaned it. it too is pretty crusty and I don't want to scrub much...1811 half penny! I can't find it online at all so if anyone knows about it let me know. it has a seated lady facing left holding one arm out and a trident in the other, on the reverse it says HALF PENNY and is an eagle with the 18 on one side of the tail and 11 on the other.