I did end up going out for the afternoon with my older son. I didn't have time to wait for the Mxt pro to arrive, so I took my other two dirt machines.I started out with my xterra 705 and my son had his Ace250. Within the first 15 min. at a new hunting ground, my son had a silver rosie. I soon there after found an early dated wheaty at 6" or so. About 10 min later I had another wheaty and a barber dime in the same hole at 6-7 in.
My son decided to put a larger coil on for greater depth and I decided to grab the At pro since it had a larger coil on it, beings the coins we were finding were at considerable depth. We were even joking about how many more silvers we were likely to find, and wouldn't you know it, we didn't find one more old coin the rest of our hunt. We did each get a silver though, so can't complain to much.
Hopefully I'll get another chance yet this year to run the Mxt pro. I played with it in the house a bit when I got home, and I think I'm going to like it. I bought it used on the forums, and I became a little concerned about the shape of the detector,(based on the way the box looked). Upon opening it I realized my new machine was every bit as beautiful as was promised! I mean this thing has never even seen the outdoors.
I am very happy with it and am even happier I didn't have to pay an arm and a leg for it. The only negative thing I can say is that it didn't come with the rubber nubs on the bottom of it. The original bag they come in was still sealed and apparently didn't come with it from the factory. I guess I can deal with that though.
I have watched many video's and tutorials on how to run it and I have had a dfx before, so I don't think the learning curve will be too hard. I am, however, eager to learn it well.
My xterra has been my go to machine since the beginning of this yr., and the last couple of hunts, I've grabbed my At pro just so I could justify keeping it. The At pro has really impressed me,(more than I thought it would), and earned it's right to be kept in my arsenal.
The reason I decided to get the Mxt pro is because I found myself wanting some of the same features my dfx had. I sold my dfx when I bought my xterra, and I really don't regret it because there were just too many variables for me and it was terrible around EMI.
Both my current machines lack the pinpointing accuracy my dfx had though. I loved the trigger feature and accuracy of the depth readout. I also liked the clear, crisp, and precise sounds that the dfx provided to my headphones.( There is just something I love about that. Seems I can hear the faintest little change under the coil through the threshold.)
This all pointed me towards the mxt pro, because of the ease of use and all the things I've been missing about the dfx. Supposed to be better about EMI as well.
Oh yeah, and the pro comes with a super user friendly backlight button too!