You will not mess up. You cant mess up. Turn it on and hunt. If you just want to get the feel of it, Disc out a nickel and dig the solid signals. Or just like deliveryboy said. Set it at the "I" on iron. You will get more trash, but you will get the good gold also. You want the solid and strong sounds. Sometimes you will get a good signal that is kind of soft. That will be a deep target. Hopefully a coin or ring. If you get a good beep one direction and a broken or funny beep the other direction, that is probably a pull tab. Dig them funny beeps and remember what they sound like. Than dig. Most of the time it will be junk or a gold chain. I am making this harder on you. Don't dig and dig.. Get out if your ground is not frozen and have fun. You will wonder why you never bought one a long time ago. So much fun to use. The batteries will last for many hours unless it is frezzzzzzing cold out. Have an extra in your pocket.. We wont to see some pictures.... KEN