Starts out that I got a Vision last spring.Later I had audio troubles sent it in swapped out for a Spectra, very quickly I might add.The Vision I had found stuff at 10-13 inch mark.The Spectra has not pulled up anything past the 10 inch mark yet.Another thing I have noticed is air testing,The Vision in certain modes and tweaked a little I could get a air test of 16-20 inches,same coils and tweaks on the Spectra lucky to get 15-16 inches.May not sound like alot but it appears for some reason that the old Vision was a tad hotter.Then again on the in ground depth ,maybe there have been no deep targets yet.Will keep testing and watching this idea. Maybe it needs a few factory adjustments.Anybody else noticed this if you had a trade off from vision to spectra? This is my observation so far. H.H. Yazoo