Sataro said:
I believe the Racer 2 is more reliable than the XP Deus in trashy areas.
Every detector in my personal arsenal has matched or bettered the XP Deus in the hands of several Deus users. For me it's not a good 'fit' in my arsenal as it lacks a good, smaller-size coil, I don't care for the multi-battery system to charge, and I do not like excessive 'tinkering' to try and make a Deus do what my Racer 2, Relic or CoRe can so very 'simply.' As I have often stated this past many years, I like 'Simple,' 'Functional' and 'Performance' and the Racer 2 fits each desired requirement.
Sataro said:
I have hunted a trashy site behind an XP Deus & a V3i. My hunting partner "Texan" and I have been killing this trash site with our Racer 2's. I have hunted this site this past year using a V3i, XP Deus, AT Pro, and a Tesoro Vaquero. None of these machines could hang with the Racer 2.
Quite correct as I have found. Very few detectors on the market can, with the exception of the sister company's FIRS CoRe and FORS Relic, all of which share company with my Racer 2.
Sataro said:
On the other hand there are many factors to consider here. Southwind you may have figured out a better trash program on your XP Deus than I had.
True, he, and others, might have tinkered around enough to find a program they have saved that will tackle some of the site challenges almost like a Racer 2. But change to a few different locations, and I just turn the Racer 2 on and get busy hunting while many with that other product are busy trying to find the right mix of settings to come close to Racer 2 performance.
Sataro said:
I have sold most of my machines this year to one reason or the other. I'm down to two machines now. The Racer 2 and the Tesoro Cibola.
I have also thinned out almost all the 'extra' detectors in my arsenal, and my reliable Racer 2 is joined by my Relic's and CoRe, and to counter your turn-on-and-go Cibola I have the Silver Sabre µMAX. unfortunately for me, my health limitations and mobility keep be from getting into Competition Hunts like I used to in my younger days since my first in '71, but when I do make the effort today on occasion, I grab my Racer 2 or Silver Sabre µMAX, preferring the Racer 2 when the hunt site is highly mineralized ground that also has pea gravel or rocks.
Continue to enjoy your Racer 2.