The following is my opinion and what worked or didn't work for me, so if you differ thats ok, but please don't chew me out because its only information I am sharing and its just my opinion. I don't like the Vibraprobe. I bought one new from Kellyco and got it friday. I used it today for the first time.It does work but not to what I was expecting. I have been using a Bullseye and I wanted something with more depth. For me the Vibraprobe sort of left me probeing all over and trying to check the hole sides and the dirt I had out of the hole. It takes longer to do this than with the Bulleyes because the Bullseye has the sensitivity area from the tip up to about 2 inches above the tip which allows you to check the hole sides as you probe the bottom.I just didn't like the vibration only thing and I didn't like it turning off on its own. It interfered with the MXT when on. I could hear it running in my headphones even when it was quite a distance away. IT does not give a sustained or continous vibration when it is in contact with a metal object like the Bullseye does. I went back to the Bullseye and will stay with it. The Bullseye works fine and the Vibraprobe made me appreciate it more. Its sort of hard for me to explain all the differences but when I used them side by side I am fully convinced that I like the Bullseye better.I will be selling the Vibraprobe it at a bargain price.