I did a little relic hunting a few years ago. It was in some plowed feilds near the place where I was working at the time.After talking to the landowner .I was able to get in a few hours a day before work a couple of times a week. I wasn't lucky enough to find any buttons or plates but got a lot of bullets, a couple of fuse adapters,and artillery frags. Then I got transfered to where Im working now ,150 miles in the opposite direction.So now my hobby is pretty much coin shooting.In the deep south La, where I live ,the people fished , trapped and farmed until the oilfeild came in during the forties.So it is not common to get coins pre 1930's.In 6 1/2 years of metal detecting around here Ive only found 3 coins pre 1900, and I hunt alot, but I don't bother people about going on their property, just pretty much stay on public access land. But this is still my favorite pass-time,And I really enjoy the hobby.Thats some nice relics you have there,It does feel rewarding to bring a few nice ones home.Went back out a little while this morning, no silver, but got some more wheat pennies and clad. HH Good Luck Richard A. S.La.