Page 20 in the manual has the info on the purpose of the feature and how to activate it. But there are varying numbers, and then there are varying numbers. The stability feature is to help in the instance where ground noise caused by minerals in the soil is further filtered. In a sense it turns the X-Terra from what the ancient detectoristas
call a 2 filter detector, into a 4 filter detector. But, there are a wide variety of reasons target ID will vary, how much it will vary, and how it varies, such as:
1. The width of the target segments of the detector, i.e. X30 vs X70.
2. Electrical interference, RF interference, nearby detectors etc.
3. Ground noise, hot gravels, cobble fields, hot rocks(negative & positive) etc.
4. Target position, coins at an angle etc.
5. Target shape, can slaw, ratty foil etc.
6. Not being centered over the target(critical with some coils).
7. Nearby trash that causes you to pinpoint between the trash and desired target, giving a wrong ID on the desired target.
8. Sensitivity set too high for ground or trash conditions.
9. Deeply buried large iron objects that cause the ID to pull.
10. Various coatings that form on coins.
Combinations of all of the above, plus there's probably a few more causes, but I'm only on my first cup of coffee.