If you remember, I sent my Vaquero to Sven to have a ten turn pot installed.. The V is a new machine all over again.. First time I adjusted the zero point, it worked like gang busters, second time I got lost in the 20 degree weather.with targets under the ground balance point....Third time , got there again..I put a nickel on the ground, distance on a stick 11 plus inches no problem.( Set on Discrimination just a tad below nickel, sensitivity under the red zone).Sven did nice work..I'll try and post some pictures later..Right now, it is too early to tell what the ten turn pot will do.( if anything).I was cold when playing outside in the wind. We all get ideas and hope that they will impart magical properties ..Plenty of time to see what is happening before the season starts..Sven, thank you very much for taking this project on, cordially NAD