Quite possibly you're just enjoying some chllenging conditions that can occur from time-to-time, be it very water saturated or very dry. One quick example is an old neighborhood I hunted in Ogden, Utah after the original Bandido was introduced twenty-seven years ago. They hadn't started to demolish the homes or start any digging, and there was about a 20' distance between the houses. I could GB about a dozen times from where I started on the west side to the east side of that span.
I used my Vaqureo in a gold mining encampment in the mountains during the heat of summer when it was very dry, but it was a very mineralized location and I had to adjust the GB maybe once every minute or two.
Some places just happen to have a very mixed ground mineral make-up. And then there is ....... water. Then you need to consider 1.. How wet saturated the ground is, and 2.. The chemical make-up of the ground.
When water saturated an inch or more, there can be reactivity changes in the ground causing inconsistencies. You could also have alkaline ground conditions and ample water can cause problems.
Were you searching in the Threshold-based All Metal mode? What search coil size and type were you using?
If the intent was to GB then switch to the Disc. mode, then all you needed was a functional ground adjustment and hunt away if there was no noise in the Disc. mode.