look me up at this posting:
these were for my conditions in southern california. I've got a similar one for the ACE 250. I have this massive test garden but verifying it in the field is where is good enough to warrant a chart.
These are for "clean" finds meaning they weren't found masked with anything like coins, foil, or iron. I tend to turn the disc knob to see where the sound stops before I dig and make a note of it IF I find any jewelry. But if I'm "cherry picking" I turn the disc knob all the way to the right...I just can't seem to disc out copper pennies, dimes, and quarters and up, and silver rings/bracelets/chains. I know I'll lose some depth with the disc all the way up (or all the way to the right) but...most of my coins have been at 4" or less and ALL of my jewelry has been at 3" or less.
During the initial testing I borrowed all of my wife's jewelry and a neighbors and recorded my finds and then confirmed it, little by little out in the field. And out in the field (when my wife comes with me) if my detector hasn't sounded off I run it over my wife's hand or toes (she's wears rings on her toes...one silver and one gold).
The Vaquero will be a hard detector to grow out of. If you pay more for a ($$$) machine like an Etrac, or Spectra V3i, etc. you'll still be left with an AWESOME backup machine that you'll reluctantly let someone else borrow. You'll make a lot more decisions about digging with the expensive machines (time spent "interpreting" the readings) whereas with the Vaquero you'll get to know it so well you'll make quick learned ear decisions like: 1. that sounds shallow or... 2. probably a dime 3. probably a quarter 4. pulltab...but is it a nickel or maybe a ring...hmmmm...I'll find out in 5 seconds or 6. wow...that sounds deep. Every sound, the solid ones and the "chirps" or broken ones causes a QUICK decision to be made and just like that, you're on your knees digging....and moving on. And...I've NEVER found a ring or any jewelry that wasn't a complete SURPRISE!.