Elton said:
I read it wrong..Sorry......... I now understand Monte was speaking of sweep speeds and not total operation of the V3i..
I'm looking forward to detecting with the V3i.. There are so many things I like on this machine.... VDI, Icons, Probe mode, Available coils, Preset programs that cover just about any detecting situation I could want ............ The feel of the detector....... I also want to say the stability is awesome. I owned a prior version...........Let me say the V3i is a much improved version. Like Larry said in an earlier post..If you haven't upgraded to the v3i .run to the post office and get it sent in.. You will be very pleased.
Elton, I'm glad you got that message about Rob's reference to a slower sweep speed usually being the best. I was referencing how so many people get too carried away and simply mess up the performance.
Oh, there can be some other differences is performance just based on other circuitry design alone, but adjustments can tempt people and over-tinkering or over-adjusting can defeat the controls basic abilities.
For example, I like my XLT. I've liked all of them in the past, and the one I own now isn't going anywhere until I pass away. This is Lucky #22 and while I have owned a few DFX's, the XLT has
always provided
me with better all-around performance. I have my three custom programs, but I only use my favorite one about 95% of the time, and maybe that's more like 98% of the time.
Not too many adjustments, and not any radical or goofy changes that will cause negative performance for what I will use it for. The DFX is a good detector and some still like it even after trying the Vision/Spectra V3. That's good, in my opinion, because those guys, and the gal and guy I know who like their XLT more, are comfortable with them. They felt the V3 just had too much for them to learn ....
and adjust.
Yes, there is a lot to learn, but there shouldn't be too much adjusting, or not much variance from a current setting, in order to get a satisfactory change.
You're certainly not new to metal detecting so I am sure you will also take the time to simply learn what the V3i can do. Like the XLT and DFX and MXT's they have a very similar weight and balance ... with the same size/weight coil counted ... and that is one of the reasons I like the Spectra series. I do like the stability they provide, too.
Larry (IL) said:
I have to agree with you Monte and thanks for chiming in.
Over the years I would have to guess that more users have become disappointed in the programmables by over adjusting without understanding what they were doing than for any other reason. Programmable detectors are NOT for everyone and the non technical hobbyist will often do much better with a detector with limited adjustability, the VX3 is a fine example of simplification.
Larry, between you and Rob, and naturally several others, I think most of the needed questions get answered here. I just couldn't help but emphasize the simple reminder Rob made about sweep speed.
You are so correct that way too many people make an error in buying a very multi-programmable detector. They do it, I think, for the wrong reasons. Those are often because the want more depth, better depth, want to find deep small targets located inches below big hunks of iron or non-ferrous junk, and they think they can make them hunt faster and process things faster than ever before.
While some programming capabilities have helped in some respects, we just can't ignore the basics. Proper coil choice, proper coil presentation, and proper sweep speed. They, or too many of them, also believe the added visual TID info will be closer to 100% accurate on coin identification and don't appreciate that trash causes target masking, and bad ground signals also much be dealt with.
Rob (IL) said:
Thanks Monte,
Honestly I have hardly made that many adjustments over the years. I use maybe 3 programs and use my Hi Pro program 90% of the time.
Keep those Classic's running.
You're welcome, and a bigger "Thank You" for the detailed assistance you provide readers, especially here on the Spectra Forum.
If everyone who bought a brand new programmable detector had to actually use it, with factory-stock programs and settings, for 1 year or 60 full days afield, which ever came first, and had to actually LEARN what each program difference provided, master the different program settings the factory provided, and get to just KNOW the detector really well ... then get an instant full-function update (a magic switch to make everything work fully), ...
then some might have a better chance of figuring out what different feature adjustments might provide.
By then they ought to know if the new multi-programmable model would be for them, or if they just needed a 'simpler' detector. If they knew the Spectra or other programmable well, they might not over-adjust. Like you, I have a particular program that I have only made a FEW modest changes (on my XLT), and it does its job just fine. Like your 90%, it is a good 95%-98% of the time I grab the XLT and use ONLY that one program and set changes.
As for those excellent Classic series models that White's provided us, I will do my best to always have one in hand or in the rig waiting to help the cause.
Modified and equipped with a 6