Anybody have any luck using the stock coin program with a SEF 8x6 sef or 10x12 sef coil? If so how is it for siver coins. Is the 22.5
freq find copper and siver coins at very good depth? I ran the coin program yesturday with the 4x6 dd coil for 20 minutes and started finding all kinds
of pennies, and nickels. I had already ran my HI pro program in the yard but was only seaching for 65 plus vdi. Looking for deep silver dimes and quarters
but found none. Only clad.
freq find copper and siver coins at very good depth? I ran the coin program yesturday with the 4x6 dd coil for 20 minutes and started finding all kinds
of pennies, and nickels. I had already ran my HI pro program in the yard but was only seaching for 65 plus vdi. Looking for deep silver dimes and quarters
but found none. Only clad.