Then you will love the V3.
First off you have a lot more control over the sensitivity adjustments Gain and Discrimination sensitivity. You will like that right off the bat.
Second you are moving from two available frequencies to three. You will also like that right off the bat.
Third, you can assign your own tones to VDI numbers or VDI ranges.
Fourth, you can change the range of VDI numbers that make up a signagraph bar. DFX is locked into 7 VDI numbers per bar. V3 defaults to 7 VDI numbers per bar but you can adjust this to less numbers for more resolution or more numbers for less resolution. And you can choose to see all three frequencys response or turn off multigraph and see only one response like the DFX. get lots of different visualizations of the signal in COLOR. Spectragraph, Signagraph, Sizing graph, polar plot, pinpoint, pinpoint Graph, Prospecting graph. has transmit boost. You can increase the TRANSMIT power. can create loads of programs for just about anything.
It does have a drawback. Some the engineering speak is hard to understand, like for the ground filters. The simple DFX descriptions are not present for the V3 filters so you have to work through that and it can take some time as no one really explains them. But thats part of the fun, right?
The best thing to do when you get one is to try all the stock programs and when you find one that you click with, by that I mean you like the audio and visual responses, then use that one as a baseline for tweak it just the way you like it.
I think you should make the leap.
Go For It!