Well after finding one of my best finds of my life yesterday I decided to take a break and detect around the house for a couple of hours. I have been running a n52 magnet in the hole before and after recovery my targets to try and remove some of the iron nails from the land. I pulled around 10lbs of iron junk out in maybe 25 holes.
I was really going slow and had dug a .50 cal rimfire and an old dated hair trimmer part from 1912 before I got a pulltab signal from 4". It was a deep target considering all the nails and iron masking. I pinpointed it and it was hitting the 22.5 and I dig all repeatable targets with positive vdi's when I am at home or at old camp sites. Dug my plug, swirled the magnet and pinpointed with my trusty vibrapointer and out popped this. 4.1g of 10k $73.07 of redeemable gold value
From the wear on it, it was wore allot. Maybe I will find another tomorrow? I do feel very blessed, that makes 2 gold rings in under 7 days, land hunting.
I was really going slow and had dug a .50 cal rimfire and an old dated hair trimmer part from 1912 before I got a pulltab signal from 4". It was a deep target considering all the nails and iron masking. I pinpointed it and it was hitting the 22.5 and I dig all repeatable targets with positive vdi's when I am at home or at old camp sites. Dug my plug, swirled the magnet and pinpointed with my trusty vibrapointer and out popped this. 4.1g of 10k $73.07 of redeemable gold value
From the wear on it, it was wore allot. Maybe I will find another tomorrow? I do feel very blessed, that makes 2 gold rings in under 7 days, land hunting.