An old house was tosarn town on the main drag of my town. I saw the owner building a new garage on the property and asked him if i could detect. He said ok. I was detecting and some neigbor mean man yells over to me " there is nothing over there becuase it has been detected many times and cleaned out." I workd only half the hard with a 4x6 dsd due to heavy trash for about 2 hours The neigbor man did not know apprently how good a V3i is. The cleaned out lot gave me 7 clad quarters, 4 clad dimes, 11 memoral pennies, 2 nickthels and my first wheat (1951) penny. Also, a 1950 Cap gun, 3 hot whetsels, and a Stom king lighter.The neigbor was not outside after I was done but I wanted to show him that at least now the front yard is cleaned out thanks to the V3i's ability to clean out the trashy "cleaned out" yards. I have found 65 coins as shown below with only 12 tours of detecting with my new V3I. Every time out I get more and more coins per hour and new finds also. Thouht this story would humor and motivate.