Yesterday while beach detecting I saw another guy with a detector and we were working towards each other. We were about 100 feet apart and my V3i started to go crazy. It wasn't the normal interference that sounds like constant falsing, it sounded like a hard short circuit electrical sound. I was thinking maybe I had cracked my coil and water had gotten in or something like that. I tried ground balancing again, switching programs, turning the detector off and on...nothing helped. I didn't think it was interference from the other guy because we were so far from each other. I turned off my detector and was going to go switch coils but as we passed each other he said "Oh you have the same detector I have, that's why my machine went crazy". His detector said Vision on it, I told him I have detected around other V3i detectors and never had that kind of problems, he assured me that was the problem. I walked about 100 feet away and turned my detector back on, as we got further apart the noise eventually went away and I hunted the rest of the evening without any problems. I have hunted around many other detectors even at club hunts and never heard that kind of noise. I usually change my frequency offset, but the beach was big enough I was able to stay far enough away. My V3i was made in late 2012 and I was using a SEF 10x12 coil, he had a D2 coil. Has any one else ever experienced this kind of interference? Do the older Vision model V3i machines emit more emi? Just wondering.