I used it today for about 4 hours, in the rain. I wanted to see what difference it actually made on deep stuff and what was a reasonable comparison with my normal programs. I run 5 tones, and multi all the time, Park 1 and field 2. Sense is always at 23-25. So, after 4 hours with the middle size coil on a demo lot with some fill dirt I got maybe 40 coins, 4 or 5 wheats, several quarters and 3 silvers. I worked a path using the multi, and reworked the same path using the 4 signal. On all targets I switched from 4 to multi and back to compare. I found the 4 rarely hit anything under 20-24, low conductors, and the higher signals were somewhat weak sounding but solid. In 4, I got many high tone, high number, iron false readings (rusty nails and bolts) in the 37-40 range, and when switching to multi with the 'horsehoe off' got iron mixed with the erratic numbers. Consistent with iron falsing. On a 1941, 4-5" deep quarter, it rang consistent 31-32 in 4 and in multi it was weird at 23-24! On the two rosies it was 26-28 on 4 and multi. Dug two nickels, one a 1947 and a 1974, both were consistent 12 on the multi and would not ring up on the 4.
I think I need to work a bit more on the ferrous settings in 4. I was running 4 recovery speed, and fe2 at 3. I will try fe in 6 vs fe2 in 3 to see if I can get rid of the falsing.. I was thinking it was deeper for some reason in 4 but this is the first time in about a year I used the middle sized coil, running the small one all the time on junky demo lots. May be my imagination about depth.