You can set the size of the VDI numbers and icons to be rather large. This makes the spectragraph a bit smaller, but your icons and VDIs should be large enough to read. Or if you want to have the spectragraph be the priority, you can make the VDI's and icons small, which will increase the size of the spectragraph. You can also hide the live controls which will put more space on the screen by pressing zoom + down arrow. The controls for adjusting the live control information is:
Zoom + up arrow increases the live controls
Zoom + down arrow decreases the live controls.
So, if you have the live controls in their standard default as they come out of the box, you will see their titles along the bottom (minimized). If you press zoom + up arrow, all your live controls will expand to show the ranges that you can adjust. This does reduce the size of the information on the screen, so I'm not expecting people to select this very often. Zoom + down arrow puts them back to minimized. Zoom + down arrow again makes the titles hidden. And to see them again, zoom + up arrow again.
(I know, more than you need yet as you don't have a machine, but when you get one, maybe this will help a little when you get your hands on it).