I was hunting a trashy area in a local park and was getting a hit or two with every sweep of the coil, sometimes several hits per sweep. I decided to lock the tracking feature just to see if it would quiet things down. I figured locking the track would eliminate one of the gymnastics the V was having to do in regards to inhibit blocking the tracking constantly. I found a clean area, re-ground balanced and then locked the tracking feature. I then went back and hunted the trashy area again and was surprised that the detector had quited down quite a bit. You can still ground balance with the track locked just ground balance as normal over a clean area and continue hunting but the detector will not track the ground as lonmg as track lock is activated. The next time you hit an area that is trashy try locking the track feature and see if there is an improvement. I lock the track on my V3 whenever I use the 4x6 shooter coil. HH
Jerry Murphy
Jerry Murphy