Some time back. I had Sven change the ground balance pot on my Vaquero to a ten turn..First of all, with ten turns, I get lost and start every time from zero. So the ten turn takes longer to set up( for me).Ground balance can be half a turn from "in" to "out"..When I shift the frequency, the ground balance , also, changes..Since I have only used the V in three plus hours of actual hunting, I can't give any insight on how well ten turns may effect depth....The first test may come this weekend when I hit a spot where two gold rings may be lost and quite deep..I think the best thing to do would be to take all three coils, standard, 5.75, 3 by 18, and do a series of air tests on various coin targets.After this is done, try and measure coin distance in soil..seeing if anything comes up from the depths. If you have any ideas about wringing out the Vaquero,with respect to settings, methods, etc, I'll be happy to try them..Cordially Nad