After finally getting used to using the Exp II, I started experimenting with the repsonse modes and have been using Audio 2 for the last 6 weeks or so. I've tried going back to "normal" but I'm kinda used to the Audio 2 response and the tones of various targets at the beach. I've dug enough junk to know what the most common stuff sounds like. Bottle caps are easy to pick out and rusted ones have a sound all their own. Coins just "lock" right in, gold and silver too. I've come across multiple (clad) targets in close proximity and have been pretty good at figuring out what's there before I dig it up... The only thing I have a problem with (get fooled by) are crushed screwcaps (just like silver) and an occasional squaretab that gives a nice round nickel sound.
My question: Is there any real disadvantage to using audio 2? I haven't read any posts from anyone that actually uses it... I'm just curious if there's anything the filtering does that could be causing me to miss targets, especially in trashier areas?
Thanks for your help
My question: Is there any real disadvantage to using audio 2? I haven't read any posts from anyone that actually uses it... I'm just curious if there's anything the filtering does that could be causing me to miss targets, especially in trashier areas?
Thanks for your help